Skilled Nursing

Skilled Nursing

Administration and monitoring of medication

Our nurses will oversee the intake of medication as prescribed by their physician. Ensuring that it is taken with the precise dosage and right intervals, and watching out for any side effects. Properly document­ ing the type, dose and time of the medication

Injectable medication administration

For clients who are unable to give themselves shots, our professional nurses will perform the injec­ tion of medication such as insulin, antibiotics and other therapy.

Wound Care

Assessment and management of wounds as directed by their physician, especially for post­ surgery wounds. Preventing infection and application of appropriate therapy to speed up healing.

Insertion and maintenance of surgical appliance

Our expert nurse can insert intravenous lines and ensure patency of NG tubes and Foley catheters.

  • Specialized Feeding
  • Our trained nurses can help administer.

Our highly skilled nurses will monitor the vital signs of the clients. Taking their blood pressure, temperature, pulse and respiration rate, and if our nurses find anything out of the ordinary, they will take the necessary measures to normalize client’s condition. If the condition is beyond what a home nurse can do, they will immediately inform the members of the family in order for them to contact the nearest hospital and will perform emergency measures.

Health teaching and monitoring

Our nurses have expert knowledge on the disease processes and will instruct clients on how to manage their condition like hypertension, heart disease or diabetes. Giving information like the proper nutrition exercises and measures to prevent health deterioration.